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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota, United States

Mutual Voices Toastmasters Club meets weekly at Noon at Securian Center in downtown St. Paul. Securian Center is located at 400 Robert Street North. Please join us anytime as a guest!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

06-30-05 Meeting Summary

Thanks to all of you who attended last week’s End of the Year Party! We had a great time! For those of you who weren’t able to attend, read on to hear about the awards that were given. Everyone should plan to attend tomorrow’s meeting to see some of our new members in action: Jerry V will be our timer and Betsy S will give her Icebreaker speech!

First, I would like to welcome our newest members and guests Betsy S, Jerry V, Gadder F, Stacia S, and Kim L all attended our pizza party! Betsy S and Jerry V both joined the club a couple of weeks ago. Gadder joined Mutual Voices the morning of June 23rd. Stacia is filling out her application and will join soon. Kim visited our meeting.

We had a lot to celebrate for the 2004-2005 Toastmasters Year. New members, Betsy and Jerry, gave us enough members to be eligible for the President’s Distinguished Club award! That means that we earned 9 of the 10 points of the Distinguished Club Program and have 20 members in our club! The points were earned throughout the year by members earning their CTMs, ATMs, CLs, new members joining, officers attending training, and reports being submitted by the officers on time. Being a President’s Distinguished Club is something we should all celebrate! To find out how you can contribute to the Distinguished Club Plan for the 2005-2006 Toastmasters year (which runs July – June), contact Laura G, Kelly T, or any of the new officers, listed below:
Laura G, President
Kelly T, VP of Education
Marian J, VP of Membership
Eddie K, VP of Public Relations
Mary Ellen G, Secretary
Bill S, Treasurer
Lori G, Sergeant at Arms

Next, we celebrated by presenting “fun awards”. Kim C presented each of the awards on behalf of the club and its officers. Awards are as follows:
Dave B – Silver Lined Organizer – presented for his speeches on seeing silver linings, especially when he travels.
Jerry V – Foundations for Flow – presented for his penmanship response to last week’s table topics questions.
Betsy S – Pilots and Parkers – presented for her response to last week’s table topics questions, where we learned that she uses her pen because it was prescribed by her physical therapist and that the Parkers are family friends.
Keri O – Queen of Tomatoes – presented for her speech on the fair.
Marian J – Race for Inspiration – presented for earning her CTM very quickly and her inspiring speeches on racing, running, and walking.
Mary Ellen G– Candy Queen – presented for her table topics response on candy parties.
Lori G – Bring Her Flowers – presented because she doesn’t get flowers very often, but did get them at one of our Toastmasters meetings.
Dan B – Choosey Chocolate – presented for his speech on recognition where he gave out chocolates to some people but not others.
The following Toastmasters were not in attendance but will receive the listed awards:
Mike C – Creative Covers Crown
Julie G – Fun on the Farm
Jenny H – “Oh, the Stories She Will Tell”
Kurt J – Yellow Tail
Bill S – The Tax Man Speaketh

The 2004-2005 officers also received awards. Kim recognized each of them for their extra efforts by also presenting them with a Toastmasters pen.
Kelly T – Valley Girl Who is America – presented for her monolog from MPR.
Laura C – Isims & Itisis – presented for her Arthuritis & Bourgeaultisms speech.
Laura G – More Chocolate – presented for the chocolate treats she’s been bringing to meetings.
Kathy J – Run Through Window – presented for her table topics response when she told us about running through the pharmacy drive thru.
Eddie K – Cauliflower Compassion – presented for his table topics response about the state of Eddie where he will feed the homeless with cauliflower.
Mark H – Purposeful Leprachaun – presented for his story of his birthday in Ireland, leading the Irish Meeting, and his purposeful speeches (e.g., mentoring, leadership)
Kim C– I Forgot the Pin – presented because remembering the pin has been Kim’s toughest assignment as president.

Next, the Toastmaster of the Year award was presented to Kelly T. Kelly was nominted and elected for the award for going above and beyond as a Toastmaster. During the 2004-2005 Toastmasters year, Kelly served as Mutual Voices VP of Education, coordinated Toastmasters meetings, attended officer training, created our schedule, organized activities, and spoke at Your Beginnings. Eddie K received an Outstanding Member pin for his dedication to the club, serving as an officer, leading Speechcraft, and for bridging communications with the Tuesday club.

Following awards, we had time for a couple of Table Topics questions. Our Table Topics Master, Laura G, “picked on” the newest members of our club, Gadder and Stacia.
Earlier this week, Snapple tried to beat the world record for the largest popsicle. Unfortunately, it melted before they beat the record. What world record would you try to beat?
Gadder told us that his better enemy is sweltering heat. The world records that he would beat are growing his fingernails long or growing his beard long. He was in the military, so would like to see how long he could go without cutting his fingernails or his beard. He remembers the picture of the world record holder for the longest fingernails. The man had grown his nails from the time that he was 29 years (he was 80 when the picture was taken). His nails were three miles long—they’d grown out, curled around, and had bands of yellow, brown, and green. Gadder would paint his.
Paint a picture for us of your favorite place to spend a sweltering day.
Stacia told us that her preferred places to spend a sweltering day are at Minnesota Life (because she had to be there today) or the beach. She loves the sun and to lay out and relax. It seems that lately, it’s been nice during the week and rainy on the weekends. She likes to be in the sun, to run around Como Park, to bike, and to sit outside reading magazines or books. She also commented on the timer’s box, “It’s very manual over there.”

Dan B was the General Evaluator for the day. He complimented Kim on her ability to run an out of the ordinary meeting and her explanations of the awards for our new members and guests. He liked Kelly’s word of the day (sweltering) and commended Marian on timing the meeting. Dan thought Gadder did a wonderful job stalling at the beginning of his table topics response to formulate his answer and liked the way that Stacia picked up the pace as she formulated her answer. Both respondents did a great job of speaking for more than a minute on their first table topics response!

The Spirit Award was given to Gadder, with Kim being the runner up!


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