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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota, United States

Mutual Voices Toastmasters Club meets weekly at Noon at Securian Center in downtown St. Paul. Securian Center is located at 400 Robert Street North. Please join us anytime as a guest!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

03-02-06 Meeting Summary

ATTENDEES: Kathy J., Laura G., Keri O., Dan B., Eddie K. Mike C., Marian J., Laura C.
GUESTS: Angie D.

Kathy J. lead an incredible meeting with her theme, “The Incredible Edible Egg”. Who would have thought that eggs would elicit such stories from our duty holders!

Our speakers were Marian J. and Laura C.. Marian presented her contest speech again to prepare for today’s (March 7th) Area Contest at Burlington Northern. <<>> In her speech, “More than Marketing”, Marian discusses the ways that Communications gets involved with bringing a product to market. At Minnesota Life, an insurance product likely begins in the mind of an actuary. The concept leads to a design and eventually production/manufacturing and promotion. Since actuaries can be enthusiastic or can put you to sleep, Communications helps to organize the product in a way that the average consumer and field force can understand it—at that point, “The baby has been born.” (Speech Time: 5:20)

Laura told us “Red’s Tale”, the story of the shelter mascot where Laura volunteers. Red arrived in a police car in 1996. He has 26 toes and weighs 21 pounds. Being really crabby, he wasn’t deemed adoptable, so became the shelter mascot and “Chief Paper Shuffler”. As the Chief Paper Shuffler, Red attended many community events, schools, and parades. Four years ago, however, he was diagnosed with Feline Idiopathic Chylothorax; his lungs are filling up with fluid and drowning him. He wasn’t expected to live very long—that was four years ago! Two months later, a second opinion yielded the same results and twice his lungs have been aspirated, yielding two cups of fluid. Today, Red is retired, but still conducts midnight seminars at the shelter for all of his buddies. He is given a human dietary supplement to absorb fluids, though he hates having them shoved down his throat! As Red sinks into retirement, the baton is being passed to the Minnesota Valley Humane Society’s “Fab Five”: two cats (Casey Jane and Emme Anne who, when combined, have more toes than Red), Lil’ DUB (Doesn’t Use Litterbox), and Mr. Java Jingles (the Chief Dog Tester). Big Red still cooresponds with other pets, maintains his web blog (, and reminds those that know him that very day with Big Red is a special occasion. (Speech Time: 9:30)

Dan B. posed several questions to members in attendance. Angie Dys told us how they would put Humptey Dumptey together again with today’s medical technology. She said that medicine today can solve ANY man’s problem and most of the time, it will be covered by health insurance. For Humptey Dumptey, doctors will surround him for days, if necessary, and put him back together; then, insurance will pay for it!

Mike C. shared with us the rides that he can’t go on anymore. Since Mike’s neck isn’t as good as it used to be, he’s hoping that doctors will be able to mend it! Until then, the Scrambler gives him a stiff neck and he has a phobia of roller coasters of all types. Therefore, “the swing thing” and “pedal thing on the train tracks” are the only rides that aren’t too bad. Unfortunately for Mike, Jack seems to love rides, so he’s forced to go with him! (Table Topics Response Time: 1:48)

Keri O. told us what she likes and dislikes about department stores pushing the next season. She doesn’t like that you can’t buy anything to wear if an occasion comes up to go out tomorrow night, but she does like when they rush the candy! (Table Topics Response Time: 1:10)

Eddie K. evaluated Laura’s speech. He commended Laura on her choice of topics to fulfill the speech’s requirements and the rollercoaster of emotions that she took us on. To improve the speech, Eddie would have like to have heard mention of the “Fabulous Five” in the introduction. (Evaluation Time: 2:45)

In honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday and Kathy’s theme of “The Incredible Edible Egg”, Laura Griffith inspired everyone to try something new today with her retelling of the story “Green Eggs and Ham” followed by serving green eggs to everyone who would try them! (I/H Time: 4:40)

Keri O. evaluated the meeting, commenting that overall it went well. We were forced to start late due to late arrivals, but Kathy handled it well, introduced Angie, and used the theme well. Keri suggested stronger leadership of clapping for improvements. Dan’s Table Topics Questions were open ended and the responses were good mini-speeches. Next, Keri shared with us the story of her husband, Bob, who was 40 years old before trying an apple (she thinks the guy that Sam talks to in “Green Eggs in Ham” must be named Bob!). Keri tried to get Bob to try apples in apple sauce, juice, candy, and pie. The pie was finally a success, but only when loaded with ice cream. After trying it, Bob took a second bite, and a third!

Spirit Award: Laura C. & Laura G.


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