08-04-05 Meeting Summary
wildlife, my week has been just that. Wild!!! Work seems to be the only
thing keeping me tame and far from sane. However, writing this summary
will get me back to sane.
Our Toastmaster today was Laura C. Her favorite wildlife encounter
was touching a gray whale in the ocean. She said it was like touching the
face of God. It was warm, grey, and rubbery. I always pictured God with a
big white beard eating popcorn chicken as Colonel Sanders tosses them into
his mouth. My image of God definitely is not barbarous. We all love
popcorn chicken and the southern culture Colonel Sanders has brought to the
Barbarous was the word of the day. It is an adjective meaning uncivilized,
lacking culture or refinement. Kathy's favorite wildlife encounter is
watching deer in amazement as the leap and bound through nature. Too bad
they can not learn to leap and bound over motor vehicles. However, I would
have to agree with Kathy, seeing deer leap and bound is a breathtaking
Another sight to see would be seeing Mary Ellen G.'s dog as he leaves
a trail a food and water marking his trail. His favorite story must Hansel
and Gretal. I do not think Mary Ellen's dog will be ready to start a
family anytime soon until he literally cleans his act up.
Our first speaker, Marian J, started her speech off by asking, "Are
you thinking of a starting a family soon?" I know Mary Ellen's dog and my
response, not yet. We both need to mature a bit. Marian was asked this
question in an interview in the 1970s at a job interview with Control Data.
In the 1970's the workplace environment was an unfriendly place for women.
Back in the seventies I was not even a sparkle in Ma K's eye. Marian
went on to say who things have changed since then. Parents now receive
greater support now (e.g. day-care, flex time). Also, technology and the
ability to work at home has helped changed corporate America's view of
women juggling motherhood and a career. Attitudes in general have changed
too. Like a fellow associate says, "You can not be a yummy cookie if you
have a crumby attitude." Speaking of cookies, most six years old love
cookies. Did you know since the 1970's the number of mother's who have
children under six years old has doubled? Also, 1/10 of all people in
executive position are women. Quite, mind boggling since they make up over
half the work force. Marian suggests we ask what we can do to change the
current situation. We need to mentor and encourage women to get out of
their comfort zones. And Marian ended her speech telling women to dream
big. Speaking of dreaming big, our next speaker, Mike C., dreamed of
getting his recommendation to implement a Connection Control Feature of the
SPAM filter approved by a panel.
Mike rehearsed a speech he was going to give in an hour and it dealt with
Securian's current SPAM Filter. Some executives say a SPAM Filter may
block important data. In his speech Mike told us about how Securian has
been blacklisted three times in the last two months. Being blacklisted
means our email contains some sort of SPAM. This occurred because we have
a lot of SPAM coming into the company. This could be caused to a large
number of emails with incorrect email addresses. The SPAM filter
Connection Control helps check for SPAM and blacklists SPAMMERS. It can
also reduce the probability of being blacklisted. After, Mike was done
presenting his points, it was time for the Q and A session. Here are a
Q) Why was this not implemented earlier?
A) It could prevent potential business from coming in.
Q) How much will it cost the company?
A) Free, we just need to turn it on.
Q) If this was a feature on existing SPAM, why are we just checking it
A) That is a difficult issue. Some do not want it to be on (e.g Group).
Well done, all of that talk of SPAM made me a little hungry. Hold on while
I take a bite of my Tuna sandwich on a whole wheat bagel. Mmmmm, that hits
the spot. Probably because it was wild before it found its home in a
little tin can. Keeping up with the fish theme, our Table Topics Master,
Eddie K., told us his most memorable wildlife experience.
His experience occurred a few weeks back. He was fly fishing on the Kinni
and caught a 10 inch trout. He landed the little fellow and released him.
However, when he let the fish swim away, it came back and gave him a look
of "Why did you hook me in the lip?"
Q) Some people and researchers say the chimpanzee is the next smartest
creature to the human being? Explain to us what you think the dumbest
animal is.
Gadder: My sister-in-law...............................'s cat. It sweet,
but dopey. Once while he was visiting, he wondered where the cat was. To
his dismay it was in their dog's mouth. And the cat looked like it was
enjoying it.
Q) You have been asked by the DNR to cross bread two wild animals to help
increase tourism to our state parks. Which two animals would you choose
and what would be some of it's characteristics?
Stacia: She would cross bread an albino squirrel and a deer. Hopefully the
deer would give birth. It would be a white deer with a fluffy
squirrel-like tail. The personality would be like that of a deer and not
viscous like a squirrel.
Those were two great answers to two great questions. Another thing that
comes in pairs were our evaluations.
Our first evaluator's, Kim C., favorite wildlife experience is seeing
deer in Northern Wisconsin. She thought Marain has a great intro, used
great transitions, and used statistics wonderfully. However, for the next
Kim thought Marian could work on her gestures and organizations. Our
second evaluator's, Laura G., favorite experience also took place up
north. Only hers was in Minnesota at the BWCA.
On this trip she saw a cow moose and her calf swimming. She thought Mike
did a great job of gesturing, had great tone and presences, and seemed
quite calm. However, Laura thought Mike could work on dropping his hands
to his sides and come out from behind the lectern. For the Q&A session,
she thought Mike should really emphasize that it is free as a selling
point, had great eye contact, and liked how he turned Kelly's negative
question into a positive question.
The word of the day was used twice. Kathy especially liked the phrases,
"hop up the ladder" and "Dream big."
Timer's report
Marain: 8:36
Mike: 5:34 Q&A: 7:16
Table Topics
Gadder: 1:20
Stacia: 1:18
Kim: 3:02
Laura: 3:18
Bill, our General Evaluator, thought we had a great meeting, great
introductions, great word of the day, and great well balanced evaluations.
The Spirit Award went to Marian J.