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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota, United States

Mutual Voices Toastmasters Club meets weekly at Noon at Securian Center in downtown St. Paul. Securian Center is located at 400 Robert Street North. Please join us anytime as a guest!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

January 18, 2007 Meeting Summary

Marian started the party... I mean, the meeting... right on time, askingour guests to introduce themselves. Theresa B. is currently working inSecurian Financial Services and was a guest of Laura B. DeannaH introduced herself as Mark's wife and our "perpetual guest".

Marian invited everyone to get lunch at the food table. We enjoyed anassortment of delicious pizzas, Caesar salad, and soft drinks. There weremouth-watering mini cream puffs and a wonderful mix of cookies for dessert.

Mark was the Wordmaster/Grammarian and provided the word "sanguine" as theword of the day. It means cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or positive.

We had one speaker, Laura G. Her speech was #2 in the CompetentCommunicator manual. It was titled "So You've Gone Digital - Now What?"Laura gave us four options for keeping photos, other than stored in yourhard drive or on the original digital media, rarely to be looked at again.Print the photosYou can use the kiosks at ProEx, Walgreens, etc. to print your favoritephotos. Four by six prints are 19 to 29 cents each. A cheaper method is touse,,, etc. Download and order yourprints on line and prepay. All you'll need to do is stop in at the storeand pick them up.Create a PhotoshowYou can add text, etc. using an on-line photoshow (Google it!) Laura'ssister sent a DVD of the family's favorite photos from last year, completewith text and music.Create a Digital ScrapbookLaura displayed a 20-page scrapbook that she made digitally. It took herabout six hours to create through After applying a discountand with free shipping, it cost her around $60. Again, you can Googledigital scrapbooking for other sources.Create a Hand-Made ScrapbookLaura displayed a small scrapbook containing just pictures, that she madefor around $15. She also showed us an impressive large scrapbook she hadput together. She was able to include "trinkets" like ticket stubs,brochures, etc. in this larger scrapbook.If nothing else, at least print your digital photos in case your computercrashes!Betsy provided humor that she found after "Googling" Toastmasters humor.They were great plays on words that had us all laughing.

Marian asked for a volunteer to start table topics, and Roxie stepped in.Roxie asked Mary Ellen what she does to keep a positive attitude. MaryEllen is happy most of the time, but when she does get in a funk she goesrunning or exercises in other ways. As she's exercising she thinks of thegood things she has in her life, and that always pulls her out of a funk.

After this topics question, assigned topics master Lori G took over.Lori asked Mary how she keeps a positive attitude when she's in a hurry andgets stuck behind a slow driver. Mary admitted that she's a fast driver.She tries to relax and remember the three-second rule, maintaining a safedistance. She tries to appreciate that the slower driver might be savingher from an accident or being pulled over for speeding.

Lori asked Sarah where she would go internationally for any celebration ifshe had the chance. Without hesitation, Sarah said she would go to Ghana.The people there are always happy and smiling, always celebrating. Herprofessor took a sabbatical in Ghana and she has met many people fromthere. She would love to go to Ghana some day.

Before starting his evaluation of Laura's speech, Mike asked Sarah "Are youGhana go?" What a wit. Mike gave a well organized evaluation of Laura'sspeech. Her speech had four very clear points which made it easy to follow.It was a great reality check thinking about the possibilities if one'scomputer crashed with all the photos stored there. Laura had good vocalvariety, subject flow, and eye contact. Laura's speech was organizedperfectly, so he suggested she organize her props differently. Put them outfirst, rather than dig in the bag for each one during the speech.

No one used the word of the day, although there were plenty ofopportunities. Participants in the meeting did well with the numbers ofahs and ums, but Mark noted there were lots of sentence connectors used during the meeting.

Dave was our General Evaluator. He praised Marian for how she performed herToastmaster role, Dan did a fine job as timer, and Mark provided a greatword for the day. Dave told Betsy he highly benefitted from the fun humorshe had shared. The topics questions were good and everyone appearedcomfortable in answering. They spoke smoothly with confidence andarticulation. Mike's evaluation was very thorough and well organized likea mini speech.

The Spirit Award went to Laura G for her speech. Congratulations,Laura!


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