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Mutual Voices Toastmasters Club meets weekly at Noon at Securian Center in downtown St. Paul. Securian Center is located at 400 Robert Street North. Please join us anytime as a guest!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Mutual Voices Meeting Summary, November 9, 2006

Theme: Creatures of Habit
Word of the Day: Perseverate (to repeat or recur persistently)

Our Toastmaster today was Jeff S. He started the meeting off telling us of his many routines, which when he fails to follow- he feels out of control. He recently started coaching basketball and this has thrown a wrench into his daily routine. It's taking some time for him to get used to his new schedule.

Our Wordmaster was Lori G. and Timer was Mike C.

Speaker #1 was Betsy S. Betsy's speech, "Is your train on the right track?" compared financial savings plan with a train moving along a track. Betsy thought of this idea when she noticed a billboard that read, "Stop Working or Stop Calling it Work?" The billboard made her think of retirement plans and how they can be explained as a train on the tracks- with you as the engineer.

She reminded us that we are the engineers of our retirement (not Social Security or the companies for which we work). She advised us to start with the end in mind, "How much will I need as retirement income?" She advised us to save as much as we can and to start saving as early on in life as we can. Some tips she had were to consider tax-deferred savings and to give up something small (like Caribou Coffee) and put that money into savings.

Our second speaker was Roxie Nitti. In "All About Me!" Roxie's Icebreaker speech told us about Roxie. She has been married 24 years, has 5 children (2 children and 3 adopted dogs). She is an avid Nascar fan (received a Jeff Gordon jacket for her birthday!) and has been a college student for 14 years (she's in her very last class right now).

Roxie has been with Securian for 23 years, and even though this is her second time in Toastmasters, she wants the experience of a first-time member.

Welcome to Mutual Voices!

Our Topics Master was Kathy J. She asked Keri O, " What is a good habit you have that you don't want to give up?"

Keri answered that her specific dishwasher loading technique is one she is unwilling to give up. She's also "trained" her husband into the habit of making the bed every day.

Laura B. was asked, "What are some of the annoying/worst habits you have seen?" Laura told us about a former co-worker..... and if you want the details you'll have to ask Laura! She told us her bad habit is poor time management when at home.

Evaluations: Laura G. evaluated Betsy and thought she had a great speech topic. She thought Betsy met all of the speech objectives, engaged the audience, and had a great opening. She mentioned having the Toastmaster give a speech intro and using vocal variety as things to work on.

Marian J. evaluated Roxie N. Marian thought Roxie's speech was very well organized. She thought Roxie presented in a very casual manner, used good eye contact, and did a good job of letting her personality show through in the speech.

She noted less use of notes for Roxie to work on.

In Inspiration/Humor Mary W. told us of Google's definition of creature of habit: "easy to do the same thing", "every day," "as we get older, trying new things gets harder."

Mary told us to take baby steps in trying new things. She said life is about creation and taking action.

Our General Evaluator, Dan B., thought Jeff did a nice job as Toastmaster. He thought the word was good, but nobody used it. Timer could try a little harder. Times were: Betsy: 6:34, Roxie: 5:40, Keri (tabletopics): 1:15, Laura B (tabletopics): 1:53, Laura G (eval): 3:22, Marian (eval) 2:54, Mary W (inspiration): 5:41

Wordmaster: 34 Ahs/Ums

Spirit Award: Roxie


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