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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota, United States

Mutual Voices Toastmasters Club meets weekly at Noon at Securian Center in downtown St. Paul. Securian Center is located at 400 Robert Street North. Please join us anytime as a guest!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Summary for December 7, 2006 Meeting

Theme: Winter Outdoor Activities
Toastmaster: Keri O'Brien
Word for the day: Abominable abominable snowman: a mysterious creature with human or apelike characteristics reported to exist in high Himalayas-- called also yeti.

Keri started us off on time telling us of the upcoming ski trip she is taking to Lutsen.
Dan B. our Wordmaster also enjoys skiing with his son.
Mary W. our timer is another skier.

Dave B. was our sole speaker today. His speech, "Reuse?" is from the Competent Leader Manual. Dave informed us of the benefits to reusing electronic assets. The 4 benefits to reuse are: 1. cost savings 2. collaboration among development teams 3. flexible resources 4. better products

Laura G. evaluated Dave's speech. She thought Dave met all the speech objectives. It would have been helpful for him to ask the Toastmaster to give an introduction of him and his background. She thought he did really well at explaining the tech terms for a wide audience and also used good gestures.

Mary Ellen was the humorist. She gave David Letterman's "Top 10 Questions Asked of Macy's Santa Claus Candidates".

Marian led our Table Topics today. Her first question to Mark H.:
1. Tell us of an outdoor activity gone array in your past?
Mark: First hockey game he invited his wife too--- he started a big fist fight

2. If you won the lottery would you stay in MN?
Roxie: She would keep her house here and travel for fun.

3. What's your answer to people who live in warm climates and ask, "How do you handle that MN COLD?"
Lori: Minnesotans are happier, heartier, and healthier than others and we can just handle it.

Dan B. Wordmaster: Nobody used abominable. Not many ahs/ums though.
Mary W. Timer: Dave B. 8.47, Laura G. 3.44, Mary Ellen 45 sec., Mark H. 1.35, Roxie 1.46, Lori 1.20

Jeff S. General Evaluator: Overall good meeting. Toastmaster had great transitions, Wordmaster chose good word with good example given, Table Topics were nice open-ended question, Humor was funny, Evaluation was good and descriptive, Table Topics answers were mini-speeches.

Spirit Award: Dave B.


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